Some of the most frustrating things in this world to me are those who have opinions for EVERYTHING! "This is a great weight loss program, you need to try it!" - guy weighs 400 pounds and has diabetes. "If you were wise you would invest your money here" - guy living on get the idea. Those who have all the answers, but never live the life to back it up. But what about our Christian walk? Do we always "practice what we preach" as believers? I don't all the time, I'll admit that. I think it's a safe bet to say the church, as a whole, doesn't either. We preach "God is love" from the pulpit and to our fellow believers, but when it comes to putting that into practice it's nowhere to be found. When we are confronted with Miley Cyrus or Westboro Baptist we have no love for them. "God hates the sin!!" "How could they air that on television?" Or " People like that are going to hell!!"
Where is our love? We are to love like Jesus loved. All throughout Jesus' ministry..Matthew 9:36 "When He saw the crowds, He had compassion for them.." When Jesus met the leper in Mark 1:41 "Moved with compassion, He stretched out His hand and touched him and healed him." When the widow lost her only son, Luke 7:13 "And when the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep..”" Every single situation where Jesus healed someone, raised someone from the dead or forgave their sin, did He once judge them? Did He once tell them they needed to repent of their ways? Did He ever talk to His disciples about how awful these individuals are and that He was glad they found Him? No way!! Jesus forgave unconditionally!! He forgave without even being asked at times! These individuals didn't even know they needed forgiveness, yet when He forgave them, it radically changed their lives and the lives of those around them. Think about how offended the Pharissees were that Jesus was going around and forgiving people without first telling them what they needed to do! Now think about many in the church get offended at the "Hyper Grace" mentality that all are welcome and loved without having to tell them they are sinners! Jesus Himself fought this battle, the same battle I fight 2000 years later. The problem with Miley Cyrus and the followers of Westboro Baptist is that they don't know who they are. The bigger problem with them is that nobody is telling them who they are! Nobody is telling them that God absolutely loves them and that they are completely accepted! We want to think we are accepting and loving, but the reality is, we hate Miley Cyrus. We speak death on her, we tell her that she is a whore and bound for hell. We teach that those associated with Westboro Baptist are to be hated, shunned and shut down. How is that going to bring them anywhere near a church building, let alone open to the Holy Spirit's working. I'm tired of it. My heart breaks for them. I wish I had one opportunity to tell Miley Cyrus that she is absolutely loved and wanted by God! She is His treasure! It's time for us to start living out what we are saying with our mouths. Speak truth IN LOVE!! And the truth is, they are wanted by God. He is passionate about them. He absolutely 100% longs for them. Period. Stop speaking lies over the people around you. You might just find yourself having a little more compassion towards them. Perhaps even loving them. Give it a try. Love a little. Thanks for reading. The Other Guy
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David MillerI am married to the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet, Ashley, and have had the privilege of having a daughter, Haniah. I love them with all that I am! Connect with MeArchives
June 2015