So I was thinking about this the other day. Does God support abortion? “OF COURSE NOT!” But what do we really teach and cling to? Please give me the chance to explain myself, please don’t form an opinion until you at least read the entire blog. If you’re reading this and have had an abortion, please know this. God has already forgiven you! God is absolutely, 100% madly in love with you! He wants you to know that you are totally and completely accepted by Him! Having said that, let's dig a little bit... What is abortion? Abortion is the killing of an unborn human child. Period. That unborn child is completely innocent, has done nothing to deserve it's fate, and yet the parent/parents decide it's not worth keeping for whatever the reason they may have.
Who is the most outspoken group against such things? The church of course. Christian organizations and affiliations are the main protestors against the killing of the innocent. The church preaches that God hates abortion! GOD HATES ABORTION!! We always quote that famous passage, Matthew 25:40 "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’" We stand outside abortion clinics with signs and busses to try to save just one of these innocent little babies. Rightfully so! So if God is so against abortion of the unborn, why does He condone abortion of His own children? Why does God abort His unborn? "God doesn't do that!" The church would say, but that's what so much of the church preaches when it preaches things like, "Only the Elect will see the kingdom!" "Salvation is only for those who were predestined to be sons of God!" That's what the they preache week in and week out. "But Romans 9, ROMANS 9!!!" Romans 9 was never intended for this purpose. I'll say it again, Romans 9 has been misinterpreted for generations! What is killed in an abortion? A baby that has not fully developed, it hasn't reached full term. The baby has not reached life sustainable status. It can't breathe on it's own, or eat or see for that matter. Now think about it. Apply it to the unbeliever. What is an unbeliever? An unbeliever has not yet reached full term, he has not come to the proper life sustaining knowledge..he can't feed himself and he is blind! BUT God doesn't want him, He wants this other man so He chooses him to die right? Just to clarify, if I have a red pencil and a blue pencil, and I choose to pick up the blue pencil, I have directly chosen NOT to pick up the red pencil. So who is ultimately responsible for my choice? ME! How can I hold the red pencil responsible when it never had the choice! The same exact thing can be applied to God. He has chosen one, and by that choice, NOT chosen the other..BUT the other is still responsible? How can this be? James 1 talks about a double minded man being unstable in all his ways, is this the God we serve? HECK NO! Not me anyways.. How can God be anti abortion of the unborn human baby, but He has no problem killing the adult who doesn't have any clue He even exists. It's like a mother saying, "this baby is responsible for the murder of Jane Doe, so I'm going to kill it." Did that baby kill anyone? I think we would all agree that an unborn baby has no responsibility in any matter outside the womb. So then how can God hold an unbeliever responsible for not believing if He chose who would and who would not believe. "I pick you, and I do not pick you, therefore I will hold you responsible for MY decision." That makes complete and total sense?!?! NO STINKIN WAY!! Now follow this logic..a baby always goes to heaven, at least thats what I’ve always been taught and it is something I believe. So, we are born accepted and able to go to heaven but some of us get unaccepted when we come to “the age of accountability” never more to be accepted? That sounds like an awful lot of work..but more than that, it sounds incredibly cruel! Who would ever want to serve such a cruel God? Sounds a little like other gods we fight against doesn’t it? I have a wife and daughter. I know I'm a Christian and my wife also..but my baby? I don't know..maybe she's chosen, maybe she's not! How is that any way to live! God SO loved THE WORLD right? Why die for the world if you didn't plan on using most of it? Why even bother? What do we do with passages like 2 Peter 3:9 or 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 Who did Christ die for?:
What do we do with that, dismiss it? “Well that’s not what He really meant.” I don’t buy it anymore. That is not the God I know! If "the elect" are the only ones going to heaven, what is the point of “The Great Commission”? What is the point of going into all the world if He already has everyone's fate decided? This is what we are hearing in churches EVERYWHERE! It is so sad! I spent a lot of years trying to come to grips with this contradiction but never being able is one of the things that lead me to the revelation of grace. God chose MANKIND from before the beginning of time to be adopted as sons and daughters. He provided Jesus as the sacrifice for sin. Jesus took on the sin of the world to relieve us of that responsibility, a responsibility that we could NEVER fulfill. We now get to enjoy unhindered favor and relationship with Papa! Yes each person must have faith in Jesus Christ, faith is required. But every single person is capable of faith, and every single person has the opportunity to receive this wonderful FREE gift, Grace! If someone is telling you otherwise, I would do some research on your own and I think you’ll come to the same conclusions I have. Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you. (: The Other Guy “The love of Christ resonates within us and leaves us with only one conclusion: Jesus died humanity’s death; therefore, in God’s logic every individual simultaneously died. 15 Now if all were included in His death they were equally included in His resurrection. This unveiling of His love redefines human life! Whatever reference we could have of ourselves outside of our association with Christ is no longer relevant." 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
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David MillerI am married to the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet, Ashley, and have had the privilege of having a daughter, Haniah. I love them with all that I am! Connect with MeArchives
June 2015