I have been married for 2 years now and this is the second valentines day I've gotten to spend with my beautiful wife. This year I am doubly blessed as I get to spend it with my lovely wife AND my gorgeous daughter (: I'm a happy man!! I love my wife. But those words don't seem to capture exactly how I feel. When I wake up in the morning, she is the first thing I want to see!! When I go to sleep at night, I am unable to fall asleep until I get my 3 kisses! It's physically impossible for me to sleep without them. During the day I find myself thinking about her constantly!! Wondering what she's doing..wondering if she's thinking of me.
She is the reason I smile. It is because of her that I am comfortable with who I am, it is because of her that I have found my relationship with God again and THAT is what it's all about people; finding someone who will love you unconditionally is wonderful! But finding someone who will draw you closer to Papa, that's a soulmate. To say "I love you" has never been enough for me. Those words are tossed around so flippantly. I love hamburgers, I love ice cream, I love sleeping with the window open on a cold night. No. I love you is cheap. We've made it that way. I've made it that way. I cherish my wife. I absolutely adore my bride. She is my beloved! I am devoted to her, passionate for her, I yearn for her! I desire her more the anything in this world. Thank you Ashley, for being my one and only. To the moon and back! The ONLY Guy (;
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David MillerI am married to the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet, Ashley, and have had the privilege of having a daughter, Haniah. I love them with all that I am! Connect with MeArchives
June 2015