I know the title alone has turned off most of the potential readers of my blog. But they were turned off long ago. So it's been weighing on my mind and heart lately just how much the church attacks and destroys our culture and society. I'm tired. I'm tired of being labeled a biggot, I'm more tired of being labeled so, by the decisions of other people! I've only been in the "hyper grace movement" for a short time. But in that time, my eyes have been opened to a whole lot of things that I otherwise wouldn't even think about. My Facebook newsfeed is overrun with posts about how foul and disgusting the world is these days. I’ve read a number of articles that discuss the disgusting nature of the likes of Miley Cyrus, Ellen DeGeneres and how the “gays” are trying to take over the country. It has broken my heart! But not for the reason you think.
When I read these posts and articles my blood boils because these are suppose to be the hands, feet, and mouths of Jesus! These are posts by people that go to church regularly and claim “God is love” but have no love in their own hearts. When I read through the gospels, and look at the ministry of Jesus, I don’t see anywhere that He thrashes the unbelievers for their behavior. I see no account of Jesus looking at the people around Him and telling His disciples to have nothing to do with people because of how they acted. What did Jesus do? He dined with them. He loved them. He healed them. HE FORGAVE THEM! You know, there were accounts of Jesus "taking people to school so to speak". There is even an account of Him getting so pissed that He threw tables. There were times that He called people out and told people what was up. But the funny thing is, you know who He was mad at? The religious leaders of the time. He hated what religion did to His kids. He hated it so much, that He came to destroy it! What does the church do these days? Exactly what religion has done since before Jesus came. The church bashes, destroys, consumes and spits out the world for their wickedness. It’s interesting to me that Peter warned believers against the devil, saying that he is a “roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Sound familiar? It does to me. Sounds like the devil has had it easy the past few centuries because the church has been doing his job for him! Sounds exactly like myself not 2 years ago. I went about my life looking for all of the rainbow flags to hate. I trolled the internet for the latest news blurb about Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears to expose their sin and depravity. It’s exactly what religion and the church has set out to do. Destroy those who don’t agree or believe what they believe. Who decided it was the job of the church to police those who were not yet a part of it? Where are we told to go into the world and condemn them for what they do and what THEY DON’T KNOW! Jesus never did that. He loved people. Period. He loved them to Himself. And we wonder why people want nothing to do with Christians or the church. I’ve stopped wondering, and I’ve tried to distance myself from that image. Where is the grace within the church? This new movie, Son of God has exposed so many out to destroy the work of God. Am I saying that the movie was inspired by God? No. What I am saying is that those involved have a true desire for the world to know Jesus. Did they get it all right? Heck no, but do you? I know I don’t. In the grand scheme of eternity, what does it matter? Does the movie present another gospel other than Jesus Christ? I can’t say. It’s interesting to me that with all the fallacies within the movie, not one of them has been about the gospel, which is what truly matters. I haven’t yet seen the movie, you’ll know when I do by the way, but unless it leads people to believe something other than the truth about the gospel, I won’t have anything negative to say about the movie. We have to understand that the people we have such a problem with are the very people Jesus loved. He loves Roma Downey and her husband, He absolutely loves Ellen Degeneres and Miley Cyrus. He loves them just as much as He loves you! He created them in His image! He created them to have a relationship with Himself. He is passionately pursuing their hearts, just as He did yours and mine. He doesn’t look at them and see what they do, He sees them for who they are! They are His kids and He wants them back! No amount of twerking will ever make God angry, and it’s not our job to get angry for Him. He’s a big boy. If He has a problem with something, He will take care of it. Oh wait, He already did, 2000 years ago when His Son died for the sin of the entire world. “It is finished!” So stop bringing it back up. Love your neighbor. Love the lesbian next door. Better yet, tell that lesbian how much God is in love with her. You’d be surprised what the Holy Spirit is capable of, especially when we get out of the way. Go love someone. That's what the grace message is all about! Love them to Christ! Grace is defined by Strong as joy liberality. What's liberality you ask? Liberality is the quality of giving or spending freely; the quality of being open to new ideas and free from prejudice. So what is grace? It is being open to a new idea and the giving freely of JOY! Is this what the church is doing? Nope. So let's change it! Go and be grace to the world! Change what their definition of joy is. And do it freely! Thank you for reading. The Other Guy
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David MillerI am married to the most beautiful woman on the face of this planet, Ashley, and have had the privilege of having a daughter, Haniah. I love them with all that I am! Connect with MeArchives
June 2015